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We all know the frustration of hard to make beds and over-heating feet, not to mention never being able to get the bed to look neat and tidy with all of the excess material! In the past the only solution has been highly priced bespoke bedding or to simply suffer in silence with ill-fitting household bedding!

Ship Shape Caravans believe that time spent in your Motorhome or Caravan should be enjoyed, and not spoilt by sleepless nights in uncomfortable beds. That’s why we have produced a range of shaped bedding solutions to fit beds of all shapes and sizes. 

Ship Shape Caravans has created a new market opportunity by producing a range of ready-made shaped bedding and DRY-Mat® - Britain’s Best Selling anti-condensation underlay.

Our wide range can be stocked by dealers, equipment stockists and retailers or offered with a caravan sale as part of the commissioning package. Our bedding is made in the UK in bulk production batches – allowing it to be reasonably priced and high quality. We provide excellent service alongside our fantastic products and the result is happy customers and increased profits.

Our standard range fits the most common shapes and sizes found in Motorhomes and Caravans and includes fitted sheets, duvets & covers, pillow cases and mattress protectors. We fit all shapes and sizes including island beds, cut off corners and pull down beds, but if we don’t currently stock an appropriate size, please get in touch to discuss your requirements.

If you are interested in becoming a stockist or distributor please contact us on +44 (0) 3333 580 360 or Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Please call us on
03333 580 360


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